Mamallapuram Climate Equity Declaration

Nach 4 Tagen intensiver Diskussionen, Workshop Sessions und Debatten bis in die frühen Morgenstunden, haben die 150 Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer des CAN Equity Summit heute abend eine gemeinsame Erklärung verabschiedet, die Mamallapuram Climate Equity Declaration. Hier ist der Text, auf den sich alle nach langem Ringen am Schluss doch noch einigen konnten.

Dabei ist aber wichtig anzumerken, dass diese Deklaration in keinster Weise alle wichtigen Debatten und Ergebnisse des Summits reflektiert. Die täglichen Berichte finden sich auf der Website des Climate Action Network South Asia, wo in Kürze auch ein Gesamtreport erscheinen wird.

Mamallapuram Climate Equity Declaration

Development and environment voices from round the globe gathered from 20-23 October, 2008 in Mamallapuram, India to discuss the need for urgent action on climate change and exchange views on key equity principles that need to be addressed. This fruitful and constructive dialogue was an important step in combining our collective perspectives on climate equity and there was endorsement by CAN of the need for a greater inclusion of southern groups in existing NGO structures, debates and meetings. The following declaration is a result of our deliberations.

Today’s world is highly inequitable, and the impacts of climate change are increasing and exacerbating this inequity.

The urgency of the science requires keeping the global average warming well below 2ºC and that to achieve this global emissions must peak before 2020.

The imperative for survival and sustainable development for the world’s poorest and most vulnerable peoples is itself being undermined by climate change.

The need to challenge business as usual approaches bolstered by international economic systems and by lifestyles that reward a wealthy minority at the expense of the majority of the world’s people and environment. Action on climate change must make the world more equitable and not less.

Annex 1 [sprich: der reiche Norden] countries have not fulfilled their existing legal commitments under the UNFCCC to provide adequate financing and technology to developing countries, including for adaptation funding for vulnerable countries.

Many Annex 1 countries have failed to reduce emissions consistent with their obligations under the UNFCCC and/or Kyoto Protocol.

The urgency of effective implementation of the equity-related Articles of the UNFCCC, especially Article 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.7, and 4.9, and the Bali Action Plan.

The climate negotiation and the implementation of the Copenhagen deal must include all nations in order to be fair, comprehensive, and effective.



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