Global Soil Week: Bodenlos

Diese Woche findet in Berlin die „Global Soil Week“ unter dem Motto „Losing Ground?“ statt. Im zugehörigen Blog schreibt Johannes Kotschi von AGRECOL über die Auswirkungen von Mineraldünger auf Bodenfruchtbarkeit in den Topen:

Synthetic nitrogen accounts for 74% of all fertilizer used globally and in some countries for more than 90%. It has negative ecological consequences, which in many regions have reached disturbing proportions. It contributes to soil acidification, decreases phosphate intake by crops, reduces soil organic matter, and harms the climate. At the same time, the economic efficiency of mineral fertilizers has fallen dramatically. Over the past decades, their price has risen much faster than that of food, and soil fertility has fallen, diminishing their efficacy. As a result, much fertilizer is wasted. In many tropical smallholdings, it pays minimal dividends, if any at all.

Und trotzem geben einige afrikanische Regierungen bis zu 70 % ihres Landwirtschaftsbudgets für Subventionen für Mineraldünger aus!

Die Langfassung der Studie „Bodenlos“ findet sich hier.


