Die lobbykritische NGO Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) hat eine kurze Analyse der angekündigten Sponsoren des Pariser Klimagipfels gemacht. Zwar hat die französische Präsidentschaft aus den vergangenen Erfahrungen und der Kritik (z.B. rund um den Warschauer Klimagipfel 2013) gelernt und die Öl-, Gas- und Kohleindustrie taucht – zumindest bisher – nicht in der ersten Reihe der Sponsoren auf.
Wer allerdings ganz groß dabei ist, ist Suez Environment, ein französischer multinationaler Konzernmit großem Interesse am Fracking. CEO schreibt:
Suez Environment is a French multinational and the world’s second largest environmental services provider, particularly focused on water. When the Argentinian capital of Buenos Aires took back control of its water services from Suez in 2006 with huge popular backing, the French giant launched – and recently won – a court case for €405 million in compensation (link is external)under the controversial investor-to-state ‚ISDS‘ mechanism so common within international trade and investment treaties. A major focus now is on waste-water treatment, particularly from coal mining and fracking, giving it a direct financial interest in the continued extraction of dirty energy. Of note, GDF Suez – heavily involved in coal and fracking – owns more than a third of Suez environment. This may help explain Suez’s membership (link is external) of the new fracking lobby group, the Centre for Non-conventional Hydrocarbons (link is external).